Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Bit Clever, Different

On the road, there were lots of opportunities to buy cards. There were also a fair number of just odd diversions. I found this set of postcard sized cards at the Cincinnati Art Museum (which is current showing an exhibit of Andy Warhol's baseball themed art).

The full poem "Lineup for Yesterday" by Ogden Nash features a different player for each letter of the alphabet. Each player has a silly rhyming sentence describing the player. You can read the whole thing right here, but here are a few of my favorites from the cards:

Each card also has a little bio of the player- maybe not needed for Cobb, but useful for some of the lesser known players like Bill Terry or Bobo Newsom.
I'm not sure if I will put these in album pages, or just leave them in the box...
This one is my favorite, I think.

No, but seriously, read the whole thing..


  1. These are really cool! I'd put them in pages just so you can read the backs easier than taking them out of the box.
